Everything You Need to Know about Septic Aeration

Septic System Questions Answered

Septic Aeration – F.A.Q.’s

What is septic aeration?

Septic aeration is our patented process for converting a conventional septic tank system from an anaerobic (no oxygen) to an aerobic (oxygen rich) environment. Septic aeration is more involved than bubbling air into the tank. We have perfected our controlled septic aeration system over the past 12 years. The Septic System Saver® aerator utilizes our patent pending Aero-Tube™ diffuser assembly. This technology provides proper aeration to ensure maximum oxygen transfer efficiency, circulation, maceration and the ever important bio-solid settling.

How long has septic aeration been around?

The technology of sewage aeration has been around for 100 years or more. Septic aeration has been used in municipal wastewater treatment plants for many years. In the later years the technology was applied to residential sewage systems known as ATU’s (aerobic treatment unit). These aeration designs require a series of tanks and complex mechanisms to treat the wastewater. In 2003 we patented our unique process to convert a existing conventional septic to an aerobic system using our controlled septic aeration process. To date we have been awarded 5 US and International patents with additional patent pending. We are the technology leader in septic aeration.

Why have I not heard of septic aeration before?

Most homeowners rely on local contractors to service and repair their septic systems. This is a huge industry with homeowners spending billions of dollars annually for replacement of septic systems. The industry has billions of dollars to loose if our septic aeration system is installed rather than digging up a homeowners yard and replacing septic systems for $15,000 on average. It is simply a conflict of interest for the septic system industry to introduce our septic aeration systems to you.

How does your septic aeration system work without excavation?

Our Septic System Saver® septic aeration systems add a prescribed amount of oxygen to the septic system to enable the aerobic bacteria to thrive. The active aerobic bacteria reverse the natural aging process of the drain field restoring full functionality in a matter of weeks. We have proven over the past 12 years that septic aeration when done correctly works extremely well.

Can I get a septic aeration System from anyone?

The Septic System Saver® septic aeration system has superior performance, is much easier to install, requires much less maintenance and is more readily available to homeowners. We have 5 patents protecting our products and process. Some illegitimate companies have kludged pond aeration components together and call it a septic aerator. We have tested these knock-off products and their customers have verified our finding … they do more damage to your system than good. These companies have been put on notice for patent infringement. Our indirect competitors are the chemical additives that claim to simply pour their product down the drain and miracles occur. We call these flush and hope products. Third party scientific studies have been done indicating that these additives simply do nothing good for the treatment process.

Do chemicals help restore the system

The addition of “waste digesting” additives have not been independently proven to restore the function of a septic system. In fact, independent studies have found that additives do not work. In some cases, the addition of certain chemicals can be detrimental to the function of your system.

Will the septic system smell while your septic aeration system is operating?

There will be some septic odor for a short period of time after start up of the aerator. The septic odor will go away within 24 hours as the septic aeration system converts the to the aerobic process. After this period there will be no septic odor.

How long do I let the product run?

Because of many variables, it is difficult to give a specific amount of time required to restore your system. Most systems respond rather quickly, say within 4 weeks. The system will be fully functional during this period. Within this time frame we are just “picking the low hanging fruit”. It will take some time to fully restore the system. A complete restore may take 18 months. The goal is to restore functionality quickly and then gain “reserve capacity” over time.

What part of the septic aeration system gets installed in the septic system?

The aero-Tube™ sintered diffuser, an air line, and the Bio-Brush™ get installed in the septic tank. The Bio-Brush™ is a patent protected feature of all Septic System Saver® septic aeration systems. The Bio-Brush™ improves the treatment process by more than 30% as compared to systems without it. The Bio-Brush™ is a MUST HAVE feature in a aeration system.

Does Temperature & Climate Effect Septic Aeration?

Warm temperatures have no detrimental effect on the process. The aerator is fan cooled to endure elevated ambient temperature. The Septic System Savers® septic aeration systems are installed all over North America from Arizona to Alaska and Canada where temperatures reach -40 F and have feet of snow cover all winter. These extreme climates have no negative effect of our septic aeration systems.

Do I need any special tools to install one of your Septic Aeration Systems?

Assuming that you have an outdoor outlet (power source) you will need a garden shovel, a 5/8″ drill bit and drill motor and a small tube of silicone caulk.

I hear a gurgling sound when I flush the toilet

This is a sign of pipes that are not emptying properly. A clog in the pipe could occur before the septic tank or after. To determine where the clog is, remove the septic tank cover and determine if the level in the tank is higher than the baffle. If it is not, the pipe clog could be between the house and the septic tank. If the septic tank level is high you most likely have a mature biomat that needs to be removed with the Septic System Saver® aerator.

Will I have to touch or come in contact with sewage when I install one of your septic aeration systems?

If the septic aerator is installed correctly, you should not come in contact with the waste water. You will experience septic odor when you remove the clean out cover of the septic tank.

Do I need to pump the tank before installing one of your septic aeration systems?

If you choose to install the product in the septic tank we recommend that the tank be pumped prior to installation.

Do I need to pump the tank out while one of your septic aeration systems is working?

You should not need to pump the septic tank more frequently than prior to installation of the septic aerator. We recommend that the septic tank be pumped when the solids in the septic tank reach about 30% of the septic tank volume.

My septic pumper told me that I have a problem with septic water running back from my drain field. What does he mean?

He could be referring to 2 independent issues. The vent pipe should terminate at least 12″ above the ground. This will prevent rainwater from entering the septic system through the vent system. The other issue he is describing is that while pumping the septic tank he witnessed effluent draining backward in the septic system from the drain field. When this occurs it implies that the drain field is saturated and cannot disburse the septic effluent as fast as the septic system receives it from the house. This is most likely caused by the formation of a clogged biomat. Our septic aerator will resolve this issue.

How do I know if my septic system is failing because of a clogged biomat?

The vast majority of septic systems fail because of a clogged biomat. Have the system pumped and ask the pumper to determine if effluent flows back into the septic tank while being pumped. Have them estimate how much effluent flowed back into the tank. If it is a relatively small amount there could be a clogged pipe between the tank and the field. If there is a substantial amount chances are that the biomat is clogged. You really have little risk in trying the Septic System Saver® septic aeration system!.

How do I know if my septic system is failing?

You may have effluent ponding on the surface of the ground, septic odors, gurgling pipes, slow running drains or backups. You may also experience back flow from the field when the system is pumped.

I have a septic odor in my back yard. Will your septic aerator fix this?

Yes, the Septic System Saver® aerator will eliminate the odor. A septic odor in your yard is an indication that the effluent has risen to the surface or is very near the surface. You should walk around the area of your yard where the septic system is located. Look for areas where the grass is greener or lusher. If you find an area like this the probable cause is the formation of a clogged biomat. An odor inside the home could be caused by improperly vented waste pipes or sewage back up into the drain traps.

Can I speed up the process?

The only method to expedite the restoration process is to reduce the amount of water usage and the use of chemicals down the drain. You should need not change your habits unless they are extreme! Simple things like turning off the water while brushing your teeth, keeping a container of drinking water in the refrigerator, spacing out laundry loads, etc. you should make sure that your water fixtures are not leaking. See our general information page on our web site for tips.

My septic pumper tells me I need to install a new field

Some people have confided in us that local septic system providers have told them the only solution is to replace the drainage field. The cost to this solution is many thousands of dollars. There is also the risk that in the permitting process for a new drainage bed your entire system might be condemned and have to be replaced with very expensive systems such as a mound system or holding tank. This is not the case. Please call us at (877) 254-7093 or e-mail us at info@septicsystemsaver.net for a FREE consultation!

Will the Septic System Saver® septic aeration system work on all septic system types?

The Septic System Saver® septic aeration system works on all system types such as conventional drain fields, mounds, trenches, chambers, gravel and pipe drain fields, weeping beds, sand filters, drywells, seepage pits, cesspools and lagoons.

16 inch septic riser


Bring your septic cover to the surface so it is easy to service the tank. A septic tank riser kit makes installation of Septic System Saver even easier!


These are Amazing

I had septic problems with 2 systems. Our Home and Vacation house. I installed this system in both and it solved the problem in both. I did make one call to Customer Service and they were excellent at helping me solve a problem
The AEROBIC ACTION of Septic System Saver® is used worldwide to restore and maintain peak performance of any septic system in any soil type.